

alexapy.aiohttp.multipart.parse_content_disposition(header: Optional[str]) Tuple[Optional[str], Dict[str, str]]
alexapy.aiohttp.multipart.content_disposition_filename(params: Mapping[str, str], name: str = 'filename') Optional[str]


class alexapy.aiohttp.multipart.MultipartReader(headers: Mapping[str, str], content: alexapy.aiohttp.streams.StreamReader)

Multipart body reader.


Inheritance diagram of MultipartReader

at_eof() bool

Returns True if the final boundary was reached, false otherwise.

async fetch_next_part() Union[alexapy.aiohttp.multipart.MultipartReader, alexapy.aiohttp.multipart.BodyPartReader]

Returns the next body part reader.

classmethod from_response(response: ClientResponse) alexapy.aiohttp.multipart.MultipartResponseWrapper

Constructs reader instance from HTTP response.


responseClientResponse instance

multipart_reader_cls = None

Multipart reader class, used to handle multipart/* body parts. None points to type(self)

async next() Optional[Union[alexapy.aiohttp.multipart.MultipartReader, alexapy.aiohttp.multipart.BodyPartReader]]

Emits the next multipart body part.


Body part reader class for non multipart/* content types.

alias of alexapy.aiohttp.multipart.BodyPartReader

async release() None

Reads all the body parts to the void till the final boundary.


Response wrapper, used when multipart readers constructs from response.

alias of alexapy.aiohttp.multipart.MultipartResponseWrapper

class alexapy.aiohttp.multipart.MultipartWriter(subtype: str = 'mixed', boundary: Optional[str] = None)

Multipart body writer.


Inheritance diagram of MultipartWriter

append_form(obj: Union[Sequence[Tuple[str, str]], Mapping[str, str]], headers: Optional[multidict._abc.MultiMapping] = None) alexapy.aiohttp.payload.Payload

Helper to append form urlencoded part.

append_json(obj: Any, headers: Optional[multidict._abc.MultiMapping] = None) alexapy.aiohttp.payload.Payload

Helper to append JSON part.

append_payload(payload: alexapy.aiohttp.payload.Payload) alexapy.aiohttp.payload.Payload

Adds a new body part to multipart writer.

property size: Optional[int]

Size of the payload.

async write(writer: Any, close_boundary: bool = True) None

Write body.

class alexapy.aiohttp.multipart.BodyPartReader(boundary: bytes, headers: multidict._multidict.CIMultiDictProxy, content: alexapy.aiohttp.streams.StreamReader)

Multipart reader for single body part.


Inheritance diagram of BodyPartReader

at_eof() bool

Returns True if the boundary was reached or False otherwise.

decode(data: bytes) bytes

Decodes data.

Decoding is done according the specified Content-Encoding or Content-Transfer-Encoding headers value.


Returns filename specified in Content-Disposition header.

Returns None if the header is missing or malformed.

async form(*, encoding: Optional[str] = None) List[Tuple[str, str]]

Like read(), but assumes that body parts contain form urlencoded data.

get_charset(default: str) str

Returns charset parameter from Content-Type header or default.

async json(*, encoding: Optional[str] = None) Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

Like read(), but assumes that body parts contains JSON data.


Returns name specified in Content-Disposition header.

If the header is missing or malformed, returns None.

async read(*, decode: bool = False) bytes

Reads body part data.

decode: Decodes data following by encoding

method from Content-Encoding header. If it missed data remains untouched

async read_chunk(size: int = 8192) bytes

Reads body part content chunk of the specified size.

size: chunk size

async readline() bytes

Reads body part by line by line.

async release() None

Like read(), but reads all the data to the void.

async text(*, encoding: Optional[str] = None) str

Like read(), but assumes that body part contains text data.


exception alexapy.aiohttp.multipart.BadContentDispositionHeader


Inheritance diagram of BadContentDispositionHeader

exception alexapy.aiohttp.multipart.BadContentDispositionParam


Inheritance diagram of BadContentDispositionParam